AKT 3 Kit Tablet 1's is a member of the class of antibiotics known as "antituberculosis agents" that are used to treat mycobacterium tuberculin-caused tuberculosis (TB). You can get sick from harmful or contagious bacteria, and they can proliferate swiftly in your body. Toxins produced by these dangerous bacteria can injure tissue and make you ill. TB typically affects the lungs, but it can also travel to the brain and spine. Fever, a cough that can occasionally be blood-tinged, weight loss, and night sweats are typical TB signs and symptoms. Rifampicin, ethambutol, and isoniazid are ingredients in the AKT 3 Kit. Rifampicin prevents the production of DNA (a process required for bacterial growth and division). Ethambutol and isoniazid, on the other hand, stop the bacterial cell wall (outer covering) synthesis required for its growth.Disclaimer:For more information contact your physician.